Losing Weight The Healthy Way - The 3 Week Diet Success: Lose Weight Fast With The 3 Week Diet

The 3 Week Diet Success: Lose Weight Fast With The 3 Week Diet

The 3 Week Diet Success: Lose Weight Fast With The 3 Week Diet


Losing Weight The Healthy Way

It is often seen in a stronger-Leaner-Personal Best Program to lose weight, increase your energy levels, and feel better. They attempted usually the classic combination of caloric restriction and excess cardio. Their diet usually includes a lot of shakes, bars and other processed foods. This approach often leads to short-term weight loss, followed by the inevitable rebound. Once the rebound occurs, the frustration sets in, followed by another episode of calorie restriction and cardio.
The reality is that this old approach does not work because it does not address the underlying role of the three main systems of the body.

If you want to finally lose weight and keep it out in a healthy way, we need an integrated approach to get in shape. For most people there is no simple, single solution for losing weight, the three systems of the body must be addressed together with the addition of an intelligent exercise program and lifestyle changes. If you’re using fad diets and spending mindless hours in the gym, hit him in the end wall.

The three systems of the body and its role in the healthy weight loss

The three systems of the body are:

1. The hormonal system
2. The digestive system
3. The system of detoxification

The hormonal system regulates its metabolic rate and controls how to burn body fat. The digestive system provides the nutrients it needs to burn body fat. Detoxification and helps maintain the storage system that excess fat.

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Most of the weight problems caused by years of bad choices in lifestyle such as eating processed foods and not bad getting enough sleep. These issues of lifestyle are in addition to hormonal imbalances, digestive problems and problems of detoxification.

The hormonal system

Most of the weight gain can be attributed to the adrenal hormones, also known as stress hormones. The adrenal hormone cortisol, better known for his pivotal role in the response to stress, also promotes the burning of body fat, helps regulate emotions, accountants and inflammation – all part of the body of the “fight or flight” response to situations of danger.

Cortisol levels rise under stress, but if the stress continues without sufficient rest for recovery, which is common these days, the adrenal glands are exhausted and falling levels of cortisol. This is a chain-reaction impact on metabolism, slowing its metabolic rate. The result: a fatter you. The more stress you are under, that store more body fat.

Adrenal Exhaustion

With stress, increased cortisol prepares the body to fight or flee an attack. For millennia, this mechanism works under the conditions that must be followed by long periods of rest and full recovery. Today, however, are essentially locked in a 24 / 7 “fight or flight” of the state. Poor diet, lack of exercise and sleep, and work hours long leaving her body in a chronic state of stress, with many functions restorative perpetually behind.

Adrenal exhaustion leaves people feeling of lethargy and fatigue. It also impacts:

Muscle and joint function, leading to a series of aches, pains and injuries. The quality of sleep, causing trouble falling asleep and staying asleep immune function, so the frequent colds and / or illness

Reverse burnout adrenal requires a well-designed exercise program, improving sleep habits and stress reduction. If not, the fluctuations of cortisol have a profound impact on sex hormones, which leads to problems in women such as PMS, and low sexual desire in women and men.

The digestive system

The second body system, the digestive system which is sometimes called the “mother”, because the system feeds on your body the nutrients it needs to operate. A perfectly functioning of the digestive system is an important first step in any weight loss program, because your body needs to absorb proteins, the key vitamins, minerals and fatty acids to properly regulate metabolism and burn fat. In many patients I have treated, the weight gain has been linked to infections hidden in the GI tract.

Sensitivity to gluten (found in many grains) is the most common food triggers the reaction hormonal imbalance and weight gain, however, often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. If left untreated, intolerance to gluten can bring low energy, depression, obesity and diabetes, and a high risk of osteoporosis.

The system of detoxification

Detoxification pathways to remove harmful chemicals generated from the normal bodily functions such as breathing and physical exertion. If you’re taking in more toxins that can be emptied by the liver, kidneys, stool, and skin, has a backlog of waste products in the body that can cause a range of symptoms including fatigue, skin problems, irritability and poor concentration or memory.

Toxic accumulation also leads to weight loss resistance. The toxins are stored in fatty tissue in the body. People who are overweight held in the fatty tissue with tenacity in an attempt to protect the body from damage that would be caused by the release of these toxins are stored.

The toxins accumulate in the body as byproducts of what we consume, including alcohol, prescription drugs and medicines. Moreover, in their daily lives that are exposed to environmental toxins in the air, water and food supply. These chemicals accumulate in the course of their lives and contribute to excessive burden on the liver detoxification pathways.

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