3 Paleo Weight Loss Mistakes You Might Be Making - The 3 Week Diet Success: Lose Weight Fast With The 3 Week Diet

The 3 Week Diet Success: Lose Weight Fast With The 3 Week Diet

The 3 Week Diet Success: Lose Weight Fast With The 3 Week Diet


3 Paleo Weight Loss Mistakes You Might Be Making

Today we're going to be discuss about three paleo weight-loss mistakes you might be making that could be sabotaging your weight loss.

So before we start, we thought we'd mention that for us we treat a paleo diet as a way of life it's not fast you know. Specifically for weight loss purposes. Although people do use the Paleo diet and have success all weight for Offutt so it's a lifestyle choice, yeah neither of us really came to paleo for the reasons of losing weight it was more just to get healthier, yeah.

But if weight is something that you were interested in along the way we have picked up a few tips and insights into why people don't have the weight loss that they're looking for in a paleo diet.

So let me share those with you today and hopefully you find them helpful.

First Mistake: Overeating Nuts
So the first mistake that you might be making is that you're over snacking on that so nuts are really great. They're really healthy, they contain polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats. They can be a really good snack for you if you're hungry, but the problem is that nuts also they tend to be easy to overeat and they're very like high energy or high fat or dense little package and when you consider the way that we used to eat nuts right, because they're in a hard shell they're hard to get to actually what should I so to make it unafraid right if you've ever seen this show.

They're like these people they're like naked, they have to like live on island. It's pretty much like a survivor. Big rules no not victory but there was one episode where they came across like an almond and it was like one almond and this guy spent like all day trying to break through the shows that he could get his nut and the amount of energy that you had to expend to get the one nut.

You know was pulling more than I've supplied just the idea that we usually didn't eat them like out of wonderful bag of nuts, you know. So it can hear exactly out you're snacking throughout the day mindlessly you're not really hungry. You can really be like taking a lot more energy than you think you are, especially macadamias.

I think it's so good the mouthfeel as well isn't they very crunchy it like triggers parts of your brain that just really like that like crunchy and salty you do them salted. See, it can become a problem quickly. So if you are going to be snacking on that's a good way to manage how much you're eating is. Just to go buy a handful size, so whatever you can fit in the palm of your hand it also helps if they are activated like just for your digestion and stuff like that.

So that means they're soaked, yeah, the actually are moving, yeah, so that means a search so they're easier to digest all the phytic acid another anti nutrients that are on the outer shell of the nut can come off into the water and you rinse that off.

I just be careful with how much not funny you're eating as well so it can be really tempting to just get in there with the spoon and just keep going and some days I do kind of do that. But it you know if you're having problems with losing weight that is definitely an area that you can look into.

Second Mistake: Packaged Paleo Foods and Desserts
So our second mistake is processed paleo foods and desserts. So now that paleo has become like really popular diet and that's great more people learning about eating real nor food the demand for a more portable foods and things that you can take with your to go has also increased and I think that's really open up this market for more processed forms of good paleo foods.

That are generally really high in sugar and fat which you know when you're hungry you do want some good fats and stuff and they go by like the label whether they're like natural sugars which is true, but having like a bar that's like full so you don't need maple syrup and crushed up nuts. It's like you're my hit of fat and that's what our brain likes, and also like the paleo desserts like I don't think that desserts should be a big focus of.

I mean we do like to do desert to me on this channel though because it's fun and you want to still be able to like bring friends over and make something nice and you know there's nothing. Anyways, the expectation of eating some kind of fudgey what do you think after dinner like it's a bit much if you want something sweet for the same choice have some berries or for isolate chocolate.

Yeah, I have chocolate and like to eat chocolate but it seems like nut flour like creations that have got a lot of fat in it. I've got some kind of sweetener in it. It's like it was like we mixed up some which dates with some crushed nuts and it's just a rest people weight gain, unfortunately.

So if you're trying to lose weight just be aware that if you're eating a lot of prepackaged paleo foods that you might want to cut down a bit and just go back to basics and have some snacks that are just fruit, yeah, handful that is really you can see all these combinations of different milder. well, they're essentially just processed.

Third Mistake: Emotional Eating
So the last mistake that you might be making is you're eating for emotional reasons. So emotional eating, this is a big problem for a lot of people. It kind of doesn't matter whatever kind of diet you go on it could be a vegan diet, vegetarian diet. You know any kind of diet that you're doing if you're eating for reasons other than hunger often you can be putting on weight I mean it's it would only be too easy if it was as simple as like just you ate when you were hungry.

And you know these were the right foods to eat we can no 11th to eat but when it comes down to it like we're doing lessly snacking or eating things because we don't want to feel a certain emotion or having a hard day you don't want to do some certain activity and then you sort of see some motion to the back of you. So sometimes when people think of emotional eating they think of the person crying with the bucket of ice cream but an emotion can be anything that you're feeling if you're feeling anxious.

I like when I felt anxious I know that's what I'm going to reach for the nut butter with the spoon or if you're feeling even bored if it's I don't know you don't want to have you know I know the born eating and so then instead of addressing the border my just is chocolate or something.

Yeah, it's, yes, super common especially a real human right like it's like we do things perfectly know so if you're eating a paleo diet and you know you feel it you're sticking to all the you know different rules or things about what's good or not right for your body to eat and you're still putting on weight you have a look at your day are you are the times your daily feeling anxious or you feeling bit bored or frustrated and that's when you're reaching for that little hit to make you, you know, not address the problem that's there.

Because that could be the source of the wet gain and it's not really that the diet so much. It's just the quantity. So emotional eating is quite a complex issue to solve obviously because you know there's emotions that you're not wanting to feel and you're using food to avoid that and the moment move off from food it could be something else it could be shopping or sent friends or exercising too much.

There can be all different avenues even things that you would think are good but they're all sort of just ways of avoiding feelings that you don't want to feel and we're not talking here about like major eating disorders either like that's not what we're going into here. We're just going into more of like even they say eating disorders versus like disordered eating like if you just have strange patterns of eating.

So yeah, if you wanted to see article about emotional eating in more detail maybe leave a comment and we think about doing a writing article on that.

If you want to see any more power weight loss article in the future leave us a comment below because we would like to get into this topic. I know that some people are quite interested in weight loss other than that we hope that you enjoyed this article.

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